Security Notice



We respect the privacy of your personal information, which is why we are writing to advise you of an event that resulted in the possible disclosure of your personal data, but not any payment information.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience and concern that this may cause.

Customers’ names, addresses, in in some instances, phone numbers, may have been accessed – however, I can confirm that this is business information and not personal. In line with good security practice, we are advising you of this breach, but you do not have to do anything.

We take the personal data of our customers extremely seriously here at Pennine. Please be rest assured that the actions that we undertake in our business are:

• Regular training of our employees who deal with employee/customer data
• Ongoing review and scrutinising of third parties who handle data on our behalf
• Regular internal audits and GDPR compliance checks

We’ll be working hard to further understand how this breach occurred and if appropriate, working with the relevant agencies where applicable.


Graeme Cameron
CEO of Pennine Healthcare